I was thinking the other day about what other photos i had for this project and i relised that I had already done a similer project as my 1st assignment at Uni. We were given a brief which gave the detials that we had to go out in Bath and photograph what our perception of the city was. It couldn't be the traditional tourist shots we see constantly as this is a heritage city. So thinking about it long and hard, I thought, I grew up here, my life, my memories are all here, so my perception is already different to the tourist and to the new students who had only arrived in the city a few days/weeks earlier. So on approaching the idea that I would document my memories as my perception of Bath. This project was done over the course of 4 weeks, and it was my 1st expereince of using an anolouge SLR. So as well as doing the project I had a crash course in using the camera which lead to lots of mistakes but also joy when my flim came out unscated. This on reflection has created a lot of memories from the dark room, printing, and general crying over the incident of the flim not coming out. Below are the images I took on a Pentax K100 with the detials as to what they represent to me.
Another photo from my teenage yrs if you couldn't guess. Doesn't really need much explantion as its all there, But the difference with this is that it was in the actaul place and that view, my old house sits around the corner and this place was my escape and refuge. IT was also a great place to be with friends.
My old school, I actaully went back to my old senior school, (with permisson of course) luckly its not far from where i live now, but at the time it was miles away and the ironic thing is, my son will be attending this school soon. I sat in my old classroom pulled out a book, and sat in my old spot, was a very strange surreal de ja vu, the only thing missing was the noise of teenage girls bitching.
This is trying to recapture the idea of me as a child playing in the grounds of victoria park. Wasn't very succesful as my darling son decided he was bored. Victoria park is a huge part of my childhood as explained in prevoius blogs. Its funny to think that I now take my own children there, creating new memories all the time.
For this photo I was showing how my love for photogrpahy developed living in this city,. You see cameras everywhere here, everyother person is a tourist even more in the summer,. So it wasn't really a suprise that I grew up with camera envy. I remeber asking for a polarid camera one christmas, however this thing was huge and the flim was exspensive, but the coolist feature of this camera wasn't the fact that the prints were instant, but this camera talked.. seroiusly, with great pharses such as, "When i say Chedder, you say CHEESE" <<<shudders!!!!
This was to show me trying to sneak a peak at the football ground to watch the matches that took place every saturday, at the time Bristol Rovers played here, and they were in the height of sucess. the atmosphere was great. But I wan't allowed to go on my own so I had to peak through, over and under. from this angle i could see the goal line. better then nothing. This was also the gate that I smashed up my anle on when we decedied to go sledging one winter with 6 of us on a piece of plastic. 60mph down a steep hill. hmmmm not the best decion i've ever made.