I have started to look at what memories I have and exploring them furthur to see where I can take them in , in order to turn them into photographs for the project.
My starting point has come from looking at what I have explored ans shared already. The mind map below shows my thought and working outs of what I could explore or what isn't dueable due to the content of the event.
After looking at the mind map, and having a think and discussing with other members of the group I thought it might be intresting to look at how my memory has worked in recalling detials of a spefic event. As I can hardly recall any detials of on particualr event it might intresting to investigate this and see what the lack of memeory can produce. Might be a good tiwst to the project. So The main focas for this starting point is when i was hit by a cricket ball as a child. This was also brought to my mindset again when I heard about this in the news after a young boy died from the same thing and it made me relise how lucky i was. news link below
I decided to document what I can remember from the day and imeditaly after......
So after looking at what I remeber i wanted to pull together what i have been told to date about what happened, either from my mum, or the people who were wtinesses or what I think the dr said. As it turned out not a lot.
This lead on to do a "to do list" to see what I could discover about the impact of this event on me.
She raised a good point about wether the fact that I don't remeber could be down to the dyslexia (which is very likely) growing up of course I wan't aware that I had dyslexia so always assumed that my bad memory of the event, before and after, was down to the accident. so before finding out what she said I had a look round to find out how the brain works, and how my damage to the brain can cause memory damage. see below for links.
According to memory i was hit on the left had side above my ear., it turns out it was the oppiste side, but in the same place which is in fact the temproal lobe. below is some infomration surronding damge to that part of the brain
I have decided to also see if i can get hold of my medical records and have alook at the scan etc.. and the drs notes to see of there is anything else there i could possible use,. to explore this furthur.
Below are some link to how conceptial memory works. as a seperate research methodology
An intresting idea ....
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