Friday, 30 March 2012

Update 30th March 2012

As I am now awaititng the moment I can go off and shoot for this project, I have started to look at how I can shoot. I have of course thought about blurring the image, through slow shutter speeds, but it almost feels to "easy". I want to keep myself challanged and explore what it is I can achieve.

I think the importance of this piece is to consider my concept, the fact that half of the images I want to capture are moments I remember clearly and the other half no recolaction at all. Apart from shooting a completly black screen (which somehow I don't think I will get away with) I need a way of hiding the image. I am exploring techniques such as hazing the image, or even creating a peep hole where we only see a small part of the image, never as a whole. I am also consider putting the images together as a photo montage, this is of course something high risk as it would require a high amount of photoshop and may take away from the concept.

There is also another idea floating in my head, going back to the moving image possibility. I keep seeing flashing images (stills), or photos that shake, static off a tv (moving) inbetween, hard to explain but My mind keeps coming back to it almost like its a replay of events in my head, or the ribbon on the tape damaged (think old video cassettes here, Yes I am that old).

It also needs to be from the perspective of a child, low angles, looking up, playing with hands, toys, etc..

I have also relised the final image i have in my head may if left as it is, could indicate something bad, as in someone clutching at a teddy could look as if a child has died, so this needs to be carefully considered, maybe i change the angle, or shoot from the childs perspective.

Its a big jump, as some shots I see as me and some I see as an adult, as I am exploring them from different ages.

Looking at this I don't yet think I am ready to go out and shoot I need to consider more of these elements before I waste any oppurtunites i maybe given to go and shoot in some loactions.

So will do some more work on this. I have a firm basis which is a start.


I have been doing some searching online and came across this, might be useful for some. The text is very intresting and the imagery is stunning.

Photograper    Marie-Fleur Charlesworth

"Sometimes I like the memory of a moment rather than the actual moment as it was experienced. To me, you could always salvage something if you play things back like a video player and pick out other details that were there at the time. It’s important to say here that your memories don’t record in HD or digital. That is not to say I hate digital imagery, I do like some digital, but you have to use it with refrain. But we do have an obsession with perfection, which I find un-helpful.Your visual memories create instinct (like collective memories or ‘body memory’), so the past is very important to me. People reject the past too easily maybe because it was unpleasant, or they only indulge themselves with the good memories. I like to remember something in between the bad and the good, as these memories have a quality and authenticity that is not present only in pleasant memories. That sounds so morbid, but I think what I am getting at is that I have a preference for the ambiguous and this affects how I create images. The tension in an image is what never lets it lie; it will never rest. For me, in achieving this the images can never ‘die’. This is what I find interesting. I think this unease, this feeling of limbo, that exists in our memories of events we can’t explain, sometimes belongs to the foundations of our daily motivations."

                                                                                                                      Marie-Fleur Charlesworth

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