Saturday, 31 March 2012

Research, how other artists have taken on board the term of time and space

Just some more research that I have been looking at. more so this time at other artists both in photography. sculpture, installation and painting. Each have used the notion of time and space to create a piece of work.

Im hoping this will prove helpful to people aswell as myself.

As for project work I am going to start taking a few test shots tomorrow, not sure of what yet, most likely using my daughter as model, (for however long i can bribe her with chocolate for) to pose with the teddy, and experiment with the angle and direction, who knows I may even get the shot i finish with,%20time%20and%20space/

A permanent collection of the National Art Gallery in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Other artists, but I couldnt locate their names

Friday, 30 March 2012

Update 30th March 2012

As I am now awaititng the moment I can go off and shoot for this project, I have started to look at how I can shoot. I have of course thought about blurring the image, through slow shutter speeds, but it almost feels to "easy". I want to keep myself challanged and explore what it is I can achieve.

I think the importance of this piece is to consider my concept, the fact that half of the images I want to capture are moments I remember clearly and the other half no recolaction at all. Apart from shooting a completly black screen (which somehow I don't think I will get away with) I need a way of hiding the image. I am exploring techniques such as hazing the image, or even creating a peep hole where we only see a small part of the image, never as a whole. I am also consider putting the images together as a photo montage, this is of course something high risk as it would require a high amount of photoshop and may take away from the concept.

There is also another idea floating in my head, going back to the moving image possibility. I keep seeing flashing images (stills), or photos that shake, static off a tv (moving) inbetween, hard to explain but My mind keeps coming back to it almost like its a replay of events in my head, or the ribbon on the tape damaged (think old video cassettes here, Yes I am that old).

It also needs to be from the perspective of a child, low angles, looking up, playing with hands, toys, etc..

I have also relised the final image i have in my head may if left as it is, could indicate something bad, as in someone clutching at a teddy could look as if a child has died, so this needs to be carefully considered, maybe i change the angle, or shoot from the childs perspective.

Its a big jump, as some shots I see as me and some I see as an adult, as I am exploring them from different ages.

Looking at this I don't yet think I am ready to go out and shoot I need to consider more of these elements before I waste any oppurtunites i maybe given to go and shoot in some loactions.

So will do some more work on this. I have a firm basis which is a start.


I have been doing some searching online and came across this, might be useful for some. The text is very intresting and the imagery is stunning.

Photograper    Marie-Fleur Charlesworth

"Sometimes I like the memory of a moment rather than the actual moment as it was experienced. To me, you could always salvage something if you play things back like a video player and pick out other details that were there at the time. It’s important to say here that your memories don’t record in HD or digital. That is not to say I hate digital imagery, I do like some digital, but you have to use it with refrain. But we do have an obsession with perfection, which I find un-helpful.Your visual memories create instinct (like collective memories or ‘body memory’), so the past is very important to me. People reject the past too easily maybe because it was unpleasant, or they only indulge themselves with the good memories. I like to remember something in between the bad and the good, as these memories have a quality and authenticity that is not present only in pleasant memories. That sounds so morbid, but I think what I am getting at is that I have a preference for the ambiguous and this affects how I create images. The tension in an image is what never lets it lie; it will never rest. For me, in achieving this the images can never ‘die’. This is what I find interesting. I think this unease, this feeling of limbo, that exists in our memories of events we can’t explain, sometimes belongs to the foundations of our daily motivations."

                                                                                                                      Marie-Fleur Charlesworth

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

small update

Just a quick update to where I am with the project,

I have been thinking about where and when to shoot, as this series of images will be taken at different locations, and also wether I need 3rd parties involved. I know I can rope in my children any time for certain shots, and also the use of a certain black dog  (courtesy of mother). I know of the place where I will shoot certain shots. For the Dog/buggy shot, and for the teddy bear shot. What remains is the cricket scene, balloon scene, ambulance scene and the pattern scene (this one is the most tricky)

So I thought that it might be worth contacting outside parties as to wether I could use their services. So I have contacted the local ambulance service, and Bath cricket club. I will wait for a response before I pursue any other direction with those particular scenes.

As for the other scenes I am going to begin shooting these as of next week.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Journal update

So after the research blog i posted earlier today I wanted to show where i am at with my journal and shoot plan. I have made 2 more drawings of what I will be shooting for the final piece. I need to source a few locations and subject matter, but i think im on my way towards the final photographs. I still need to decide the order, layout and final adaptations aswell as how i intend to shoot. I want an air of tension with these images but not sinister as these are being seen through the memories of a child that is confused and disorinated. I'm hoping to start shooting the 1st week of the Easter holidays, as time is short with family comitments and Uni work for the next 2 weeks solid. I would like to have the project finished by the time we return for the final term.

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research, how do flim makers build up tension

After my last post Simon mentioned that it might be worth looking at how we see things with our perhiprial vison, out of reach, etc.. This could be something intresting to pursue in the making of the final piece of work. As I am such as wuss when in comes to horror flims, even for the case of research purposes i am going to not watch the flims, but actaully look at notes and information from the directors and writers from such flims to see what methods they use, and how the exploit this in order to create tention and build up to those "jump" scenes


· · · · 11 March at 11:31

    • Simon Larbalestier
      ‎"It got me pondering the idea to use the idea of showing shadows and unclear objects in my final selection, I have to be careful however as I'm using the same kind of idea for my main study project, I'm hoping that the content that will be... showed "distorted" will be so different that it can veiwed on its own merit and not linked together." I think you could develop this more to suggest things that happen on the edges - fringes - of our peripheral vision - I see memory like this anyway - often things are glimpsed very briefly and usually feel out of reach. You might want to research film narratives and the ways in which certain film directors manipulate and evoke fear without actually showing the source. The Blair Witch Project (first film) was quite good at this - the original Ring series (Japanese not USA version) was also good for this - in fact this and the USA version had some very interesting scenes where the couple began to view the video frame by frame - image association for this was extremely effective) - this was on the only bit and the scene where the horse jumped off the ferry that worked in the US version for me anyway. Point is both films when originally screen to cinema audiences (before the deluge of net downloads) managed to keep the views in suspense - things happened around the edge of scenes in several instances - so maybe your shadow photos could move in the same way. For ambulance shots how about thinking about photographing toy model versions - look back at your recent photos that are very strong in content and simple composition. If I was back in Bath I could show you quite easily what I mean! anyway a bit of food for thought1See more

      12 March at 22:52 ·

    • Lucy Mcleod hmmm, I like the idea of making it appear around the edges, i would watch these flims, but im a wuss, and can't do horror flims.... in terms of the "recent photos" i assume you mean the ones on the blog. And I have been looking at shooting toys to fill the pieces
      13 March at 09:10 ·

I have started simple and looked at camera angles. 5 key elements
Low angle.  This gives the illusion of the subject being larger then the veiwer, these shot are used to  symbolize power, strength, and authority. These images can  invoke feelings of inferiority, fear, and vulnerability in viewers.
High angle This is seen as the reverse to the above low angle. Inciting the feeling of being small and insignificant. This angle is typically used to show the attenten to the surrondings for setting the scence. This angle can highlight feelings  of empathy, authority, and control in viewers
Oblique Angle The camera being tilted on its axis , with the lens being focased on its main subject, it gives the illusion of the charchatur being confused or anxious, the horizon is disorated, and leaves feelings of  fear, disorientation, and playfulness in viewers.
Eye Level  By placing rhe camera at the same hight as the main subject, this gives the viewer the sense they are there within the action.Using this angle gives the directors the chance to move the story along and place the characthers at common ground with the audience, these shots create feelings of commonality, understanding, and acceptance.
Birds eye level Placing the camera directly above the action taking place, it puts the audience in an almost god like postion looking down on to the world, its used in the same way as the high angle shot, to set the scence, but it gives viewers a different feel as they feel so far above the action, envoking feelings of control, possessiveness, and patience in viewers
This also another intresting guide about different view points of the camera, and how point of view works, depth of field, compostion rules etc.. Alot of information here that was covered during our contexial studies lectures in the past. so heres the link as they explain it much better then i can.
Heres also a video i found listing alot more of the type of camera angles used in flims, the quality isnt very good i'm afraid.
This also another really intresting video i found which is more adpt to idea of using camera angles and music etc.. to help build up the tention for horror flims.
Some other intresting tibits of information i have found
I also looked at some authors who write thrillers, and came across this lady Alexandra Sokoloff. this is a link to her blog where she talks about how to create the drama needed when writing about this drama is usally to see it the context of a writer as its the place where i am currently, when looking at planning my shot list and trying to tell the story and create the atmosphere needed.
I found these things really intresting, the idea now is to move this into still photography, then place them together possibly to create a moving piece. After researching it some depth and revisting what was advised by Simon, Im unsure to follow along the lines of horror, as at the time I had absolutly no fear, as I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't predict that this was about to happen, or even remeber being shouted at.
There is still alot of thought that needs to go into this, would be intresting to see what other think about how I could move this forward.
 I want to capture what happened, what i think happened, and what I can and cant remember. Its by no means a clear cut concise piece and prehaps thats something that should continue though to the end, the confusion..
Story of my life .....
Will do another update later today as this is a combintaion of work from the past week. I want a more solid post on my progesstion.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Quick update

Shot Plans

So I have decided that I am going to start thinking about how i might shoot for my final idea to present for the Time and space project.

I been trying to formulate a plan of shots, what I can remember and whats blurry or missing altogether. Below our some idea drawings (apoligies for the lack of skill).
I am begining to see this being a moving image piece, flashing, fast paced, confused, disoriented, as thats how i feel when i think of this experience.

More ideas will be posted when i have figured out how to draw something i have no memory of .....

Sunday, 11 March 2012

11th March 2012 update

Where I am at.

I've stopped looking at "new" old memories, as I feel I may overwhelm everyone, and its starting to bring things up from the past that I would rather forget. So there will be a lack of photos for the foreseeable future. However I have started to think along the lines of what I could do as my final submisson. The ideas coming out of the group have been facinating, people talking about how to distort their memories, this had me thinking about how this could be achived, as I don't want to copy others ideas, as that would be unfair. I showed a link a few days ago which highlighted the work of Nam-Sang Park, It got me pondering the idea to use the idea of showing shadows and unclear objects in my final selection, I have to be careful however as I'm using the same kind of idea for my main study project, I'm hoping that the content that will be showed "distorted" will be so different that it can veiwed on its own merit and not linked together.

So how could I use this idea?

I had the concept to reshoot what I could remember from my accident which I went into great detial about last week, and the gaps that my memory doesn't know, I could take the clues from the conversation I had with my mum and distort them, so they are barley visable someway. I have alot of logistical planning to do, and also overcoming my fear of going into a park where cricketers are playing. Plus, trying to shoot a hospital or ambulance could prove to be difficult, i might have to use my imagination on that one.... tbc.

And now for something completely different..

I found and intresting article realating to false memories, and how people can be maipulated into thinking that something else had happened when in actually fact it hadn't.

Our minds are very delicate things, and as humans we soak up so much information on a daily basis its not suprising that our memories get muddled some more then others., especially mine. Being a busy mum, I have almost have to have seperate compartments in my brain to store and an retrive information dependent on what i need to remember, appts, deadlines, shopping, bills, etc..... (my son came up with the concept some years ago, not in the same context however and I now understand what he was talking about).

Lists and more lists, that it my life.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Sang-Nam Park

We went to the Holburne museum yestaerday, for the start of our still life project, They were exhibiting "the Art of arrangment" a collection of images from photogrpahers focasing on still life. I bought a book there called "Stilled". As I looked though the book at home I was looking for insperation for my still life. I found it in the below images from an artist called Sang -Nam Park. But it also links to this project so thought I would blog to share, this is the best online presence i've found to showcase her work. If anyone wants to see more i can scan the book and show you. She has based childhood memories of seeing patterns and shadows that were formed by her house as the light shone though the sheer pannels of her Korean home. She also explains how her mother changed these shadows by places objects behide them during the winter months. Take alook they are beutiful images, and my insperation.

placeboKatz: Sang-Nam Park: " Plants, visualizing through light" my present project, is based upon my childhood memory. Then we lived in a traditional Korean hous...

Monday, 5 March 2012

Time and space Starting project

I had an idea this afternoon whilst tidying my children's bedrooms, that despite the constant mess and the changing of toys,. the fact that it has been 20 odd years since my own mother would have been doing the same thing. My own memories of my room are few especially of this age. However, A thought occurred to me, that every generation has a messy room so the its a constant wheel going round. So I wanted to show the same aspects of my children rooms that I remember from my own room as a child. Of course the toys are of different designs (although one toy is mine, but I'm not saying which). This is by no means by final project, but I wanted it to help me get into the right mindset to take this project from planning to presenting..

  Click on the photo to take you to the web album 

Research continued

Im unsure if people are reading these blogs, which is a shame but as its a complosery part of this project im going to keep up with it. this is a mini update of some research. Somewhere i can log my finds to come back too.
Below are a list of sites i have found dealing with how artists are using memory as part of their work, im hoping it will inspire me which the next stage of the project

Sunday, 4 March 2012

ideas and research

I have started to look at what memories I have and exploring them furthur to see where I can take them in , in order to turn them into photographs for the project.

My starting point has come from looking at what I have explored ans shared  already. The mind map below shows my thought and working outs of what I could explore or what isn't dueable due to the content of the event.

After looking at the mind map, and having a think and discussing with other members of the group I thought it might be intresting to look at how my memory has worked in recalling detials of a spefic event. As I can hardly recall any detials of on particualr event it might intresting to investigate this and see what the lack of memeory can produce. Might be a good tiwst to the project. So The main focas for this starting point is when i was hit by a cricket ball as a child. This was also brought to my mindset again when I heard about this in the news after a young boy died from the same thing and it made me relise how lucky i was. news link below

I decided to document what I can remember from the day and imeditaly after......

So after looking at what I remeber i wanted to pull together what i have been told to date about what happened, either from my mum, or the people who were wtinesses or what I think the dr said. As it turned out not a lot.

This lead on to do a "to do list" to see what I could discover about the impact of this event on me. 

I thought it would good to contact my mum who was there at the time, and discover her take on the day, as i have only ever had snippets, never the full story. I discovered some very intresting points that I never knew about.

She raised a good point about wether the fact that I don't remeber could be down to the dyslexia (which is very likely) growing up of course I wan't aware that I had dyslexia so always assumed that my bad memory of the event, before and after, was down to the accident. so before finding out what she said I had a look round to find out how the brain works, and how my damage to the brain can cause memory damage. see below for links.

According to memory i was hit on the left had side above my ear., it turns out it was the oppiste side, but in the same place which is in fact the temproal lobe. below is some infomration surronding damge to that part of the brain


I have decided to also see if i can get hold of my medical records and have alook at the scan etc.. and the drs notes to see of there is anything else there i could possible use,. to explore this furthur.

Below are some link to how conceptial memory works. as a seperate research methodology



 An intresting idea ....

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